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The Story of the Lotus Flower

With an Open Heart

This post is part of The Awakened Heart Project

Week 1: The Story of the Lotus Flower

Given that The Awakened Heart Project is about helping you release your fears, to grow, to discover, to learn and to awaken, the story of the lotus flower and its symbolism seems like the perfect place to start this journey.

The lotus flower is a beautiful flower that can be found all over the world. But the start of this flowers life is not as beautiful is one might image. It’s unlike many other flowers. When the lotus first begins to sprout, it is under water, making its home in lakes and ponds in areas where the water remains fairly still on the surface. But underneath the surface, the lotus is surrounded by mud and muck and by fish, by insects, and simply dirty, rough conditions

With an open heart. Lotus

Despite these conditions, the lotus flower maintains strength, and pushes aside each of these dirty obstacles as it makes its way to clearer surfaces. At this time, the lotus is still just a stem with only a few leaves, and a small flower pod. But in time, the stem continues to grow, and the pod slowly surfaces above the water, into the clean air, finally freeing itself from the harsh life conditions below. It is then that the lotus slowly opens each beautiful petal to the sun, basking in the worldly beauty surrounding it. The lotus flower is ready to take on the world.  Despite being born into dark, murky conditions, where hope for such beautiful life seems dubious, the lotus grows, rises above adversity. Ironically, this same dirty water washes it clean as it surfaces. As the lotus opens each petal to the air, not a stain or spot of mud remains externally. The inner lotus too, has never seen a drop of mud or dirty water. It is pure, and bright, and beautiful.

The lotus flower

In Buddhism, the bud of the lotus symbolizes potential. The lotus flower represents an awakening, spiritual growth, and enlightenment. Just as the lotus flower emerges from the water clean, the lotus also represents purity of body, speech, and mind. The lotus could be thought of as an awakened mind, which grows naturally toward the warmth and light of truth, love and compassion. The lotus may appear fragile on the surface, but it is flexible and strong, securely anchored under the surface of the water.

Lotus Flower. With an open heart

You don’t need to be Buddhist to understand that we are all like the lotus flower. Many of us live in that murky water, and never make it to the surface so we can blossom. Many of us are close; we are just buds, ready and eager to feel the sunshine of life on our skin. No matter which stage of life you are on, I’m sure you can relate to this lotus and see yourself in this story. The conditions that produce beautiful life are not always ideal, but that never stops the lotus from rising through adversity, opening its petals, and blossoming in the sun.

“The lotus is the most beautiful flower, whose petals open one by one. But it will only grow in the mud. In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud — the obstacles of life and its suffering. … The mud speaks of the common ground that humans share, no matter what our stations in life. … Whether we have it all or we have nothing, we are all faced with the same obstacles: sadness, loss, illness, dying and death. If we are to strive as human beings to gain more wisdom, more kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow as a lotus and open each petal one by one. ” 
 Goldie Hawn

The Awakened Heart Project was created to help you overcome those murky waters, and reach that “state of the lotus”, that is pure, awakened, happy, loving, compassionate, open and free. I hope that you will participate in a year of awakening.

Who looks inside dreams. Carl Jung quotes. With an Open Heart blog

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The Awakened Heart Project 

Registration for The Awakened Heart Project is closed for the year. However, follow the blog for the opportunity to participate in 2014. With An Open Heart will be going through some major changes in the coming months! Stay tuned!!!

Please fill out the form below to be notified when The Awakened Heart Project will begin again. Thank you.

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24 Comments Post a comment
  1. Reblogged this on Taurus in Love and commented:
    The Lotus Flower for Taurus | “The lotus flower represents an awakening, spiritual growth, and enlightenment. Just as the lotus flower emerges from the water clean, the lotus also represents purity of body, speech, and mind. The lotus could be thought of as an awakened mind, which grows naturally toward the warmth and light of truth, love and compassion. The lotus may appear fragile on the surface, but it is flexible and strong, securely anchored under the surface of the water.”

    August 4, 2014
  2. Anonymous #

    beautiful article, please keep me posted on this movement.

    September 6, 2014
  3. Anonymous #

    I recently separated from my husband after 29 years of emotional scarring. I simply could not walk inside the door and face him again. I cried and prayed in my car at a church parking lot for over two hours. A friend returned my call and I stayed the night with her. She had tickets to a Women’s Expo the next day, so I attended with her. At the Expo, I stopped at a Shen Yun Chinese Dance booth. They were coming to our area to perform. I spoke with the two Chinese ladies briefly about having seen a similar performance in Shanghai, China. We connected right away. One of the ladies asked if she could give me something. It was a beautiful, teal origami lotus flower that she had made. She asked me if I had heard the story of the lotus, which I had not. She shared the story as described above. She did not know my situation, but the gift and the message of the flower was exactly what I needed to feel love, peace, and hope for my future. I will be forever grateful.

    January 3, 2016
  4. Anonymous #

    Wow that is so beautiful and inspiring!

    March 28, 2017
  5. Hello, my name is Angela and I’m starting a graphic design business called Lotus Blossom Graphic Design. I fell in love with one of the lotus images you have on your site and was wondering if I might be able to get permission to customize it and use it for my company logo. Please send me a direct email to I appreciate your response and hope you are doing well!

    May 3, 2017
  6. Desirae #

    I was recently informed of the secret, the law if attraction and meaning of the lotus flower. I have severe PTSD from 23 plus yrs of abuse. I’m a cancer survivor Christian woman. This article was very informative and the flower is a good representation of me.

    May 22, 2017
  7. Leonette Brown #

    Good Morning. One day last week, I began to fear that I will never change or become all God has for me in this life. I feared that I would never be able to love my husband as much as he lives me as I have often resisted his show of affection towards me. I often don’t think I deserve it and struggle many days to like myself. You see I was born to a Narcissistic mother who did not want me and often reminded me of that fact and even told me that I was a mistake. I was molested as a small child which left me running from the right type of affection as an adult. I have struggled with being loved and loving my whole life. I long to be different, free. I cry out to the Lord incessantly about this. So this day last week was no different. As my eyes filled with tears and the tears filled my cheeks it was if I felt His presence right then and a small still voice said, “You are my Lotus flower.” I had not heard of a lotus flower before and I immediately googled it and found that it was only mentioned once in the Bible – in the book of Job. I then came upon your site and the facts of how it comes into being is a mirror of me…my life…my start. But it also gives me hope as I have been hopeless so many of my days. I have been in therapy for the last several years and it’s been a journey but God has not forgotten me. Thank you so much for allowing Him to use you.

    August 28, 2017

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

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