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Posts tagged ‘strength’

You Must Always Move Forward in Life

The Awakened Heart Project.With An Open HeartThis post is part of The Awakened Heart Project

Week 28: You Must Always Move Forward in Life.

“Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?”

― Mary Manin Morrissey

Lesson 28: You Must Always Move Forward in Life.

Living in the past is something many of us do, at least occasionally. Sometimes it’s heartwarming to reminisce about the past and talk about joyous memories. However, periods where ruminating about the past in a negative way, in a way that distracts you from the present and keeps you from moving forward, is never beneficial.

In life, you must keep looking ahead of yourself, not behind you. You must move forward, looking upward, as if you were a rock climber. You don’t look down, or back, because you know this will only trigger fear and uncertainty. This will paralyze you.

So, each and every day you remind yourself never to look back and second guess your life because there is no way to turn back. Each day you remind yourself that the present moment is all you have, and in that moment you have the ability to make changes. You stay focused on what it is you want out of life, not what it is you don’t have currently. You know that change will be hard, but you also know change can bring great joy. Just like a rock climber, moving forward and upward, takes strength, and determination, but in time it get easier because you’ll be stronger. Although it may be hard at first to never look back, you know in time, you will get stronger and it will get easier.

looking forward

Anything worth having takes emotional strength, the will to go on, determination, and focus. This is one of the major lessons in life. Nothing amazing is just handed to us. The things that are handed to us don’t have the same value as the things we work for. It may seem easier to just get carried to the top, but once you’re there, will you have the strength to stay there? Will you have gained the needed lessons to be successful there? Mountain climbers learn their way up with each step. They know how to navigate the terrain. They know how to recognize areas of “danger” (e.g. people that will suck life and happiness away from you). These climbers appreciate the view at the top, because they know how hard it was to get there. The individuals’, who take the helicopter to the top, miss out on every step along the way. And when it’s time to navigate their way down they are at a loss; their only way down is with a helicopter. That is, they will never feel they have the strength survive without help.

Pain = Gain. This is true in so many realms of life: The pain of sore muscles after lifting weights but the gain of seeing results in time; The pain of childbirth, but getting to hold your child moments later and watch them grow up; The pain of suffering through the loss of love, only to find love again.  Everything in life is constantly going through changes. We’re always under construction. It takes time to build something great. At first it’s complete chaos, and everything around you looks to be in disarray. But slowly and surely, these come together.

Everything in life is a process. Respect it, and appreciate every step along the way. Appreciate the messy areas. Appreciate the times of pain. These are the times when you have the most to gain and you will if you don’t look down, but only look up. Don’t look back and second guess. Don’t look back and think you should have made a different decision. If you don’t like where you’re at in life, go forward and change it. Our past got us to where we are today and there are great lessons in that. But our past is an impossible place to live, so stop trying.


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The Awakened Heart Project 

Registration for The Awakened Heart Project is closed for the year. However, follow the blog for the opportunity to participate in 2014. With An Open Heart will be going through some major changes in the coming months! Stay tuned!!!

Please fill out the form below to be notified when The Awakened Heart Project will begin again. Thank you.

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The Yin and Yang of Life

The Awakened Heart Project.With An Open HeartThis post is part of The Awakened Heart Project

Week 22 and 23: The Yin and Yang of Life  

“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity.”
-Gilda Radner 

Life Lesson 22: There is Still Fortune in Misfortune…If You Open Your Eyes! 

You’ve heard this metaphor before: You can’t control the storm, but you can learn to surf! That’s exactly what life is all about. It’s about enjoying the ride, -even the bumps. Take every obstacle in stride, and learn from every experience, -good or bad. You must remember, YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS TO FACE PAIN, OBSTACLES, FRUSTRATIONS, SADDNESS AND ANGER. Not a single one of us is immune to the ups-and-downs of life.

Yin yang

You might think that certain people have had made. That certain people have everything handed to them, or that they just lucky and don’t know the meaning of hard work or hardship. This may be true for a very small percentage of people walking this planet, but I know it is not for the majority. For most people, work was a very real part of their success. For most people, adversity, let downs, screw ups, and set backs, existed often on their life journey. There are more than a few people that even found themselves at a total loss and moving forward required completely starting over. It sucks, but life must go on, and so, it’s the only real option.

Karen Salmansohn, author of How to be Happy Dammit uses “The Fortune  500 Club” and “The Misfortune 500 Club” to help explain the Read more

Lungleavin Day: A Celebration of Life and Facing Your Fears

This week, I was approached by an amazing woman, Heather Von St. James, and asked to write a small post to help spread the word about Lungleavin Day, a holiday she created after suffering from Mesothelioma. Actually, Heather asked if I would write a post about inspiration and link to her article about Lungleavin Day, but frankly, writing about Heather, her battle with cancer, and the message behind Lungleavin Day is inspiration in itself.

For those of you who are not aware, Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer caused by asbestos exposure, which kills 90-95% of those who are diagnosed with it. Heather was diagnosed 7 years ago, when her daughter was only 3 ½ months old. I can only image the fear that must of struck Heather at this point in her life. But after reading her story, it’s clear that her strength far out weighed her fears. Today, Heather is cancer free and is using her experience in a positive way to help others. One of the ways Heather spreads her positivity, and strength is through Lungleavin Day. Read more

What Are The Consequences of NOT Moving Toward The Unknown?

Even if we can’t physically see it, everything in this world is constantly changing one way or another. Everything.  Some of us embrace change, and choose to move toward unfamiliar grounds, while others try desperately to hold onto  familiarity, -to comfort. What is it that makes one person fearful of the unknown, and the other excited? Is it nurture? Is it biology? Although I have not sought out research on this topic, I’m willing to bet it’s a combination of both.

I recently reread a silly book I was given years ago by my cousin and came across an old fable on the topic: Read more