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Weekly Photo Challenge: Changing Seasons

This is my first Weekly Photo Challenge and I’m kind of excited about it! I love photography so these sorts of activities are quite for me. However, when I saw that the challenge was about “changing seasons”, I thought, “Uh, noooo!!! I don’t like changing seasons!” I live in Minnesota, so changing seasons this time of year means snow, cold, ice, gray skies, more snow, shovels, shivers, and more cold  (I really do need to live in warmer climate). Every year I think, this is the year I will not hate winter, but then it snows, and all I see is gray and all I feel is cold. Isn’t it ironic that just as I opened up my computer, and began looking over the Weekly Photo Challenge, my eyes were drawn to the window, where in that moment, snow had begun slowly falling out of the gray sky.

Weekly Photo Challenge- Changing Seasons. Snowy Day

Weekly Photo Challenge-Changing Seasons. Snowy Day2

Snowfall Minnesota.

Snowfall at night. with an open heart blog

A Progression of Snowfall in Minnesota taken over 24 hours




Nina Shadi Signature Length



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19 Comments Post a comment
  1. #

    LOVE that you caught the snow flakes!!! ❅❅❅

    December 7, 2012
  2. Suzanne #

    the second photo is lovely

    December 7, 2012
  3. Lovely first entry to the challenge!

    December 8, 2012
    • Thank you! I’m looking forward to many more!

      December 8, 2012
  4. Northern Narratives #

    I love your second photo. It looks like a painting. Sorry that you hate winter 😦 Judy

    December 8, 2012
  5. Lynn Daue #

    Your third photo is stunning. I love the vignette that you put around it! (I assume that’s a post-processing addition? Photography isn’t my strong suit.)

    December 9, 2012
  6. Welcome to the challenge, that last photo in particular is a real winner!

    December 9, 2012
  7. Magical! Beautiful in every way. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

    December 11, 2012

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Weekly Photo Challenge : “Changing Seasons” – The Season of Pain « Just another wake-up call
  2. Weekly Photo Challenge: Changing Seasons (2) « What's (in) the picture?
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge: Changing Seasons | Mirth and Motivation
  4. Weekly Photo Challenge: Changing Seasons (3) All that is not left behind « What's (in) the picture?
  5. Weekly Photo Challenge: Signs of the Changing Seasons | Humbled Pie
  6. Weekly Photo Challenge: Changing Seasons (4) Daffodils in Spring « What's (in) the picture?
  7. Weekly Photo Challenge: Changing Seasons (5) A Forest in Winter « What's (in) the picture?
  8. Weekly Photo Challenge: Changing Seasons | Jennifer Hartnett-Henderson

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