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Posts from the ‘Breast Cancer’ Category

A Dream Comes True: Jessica Meets Justin Bieber!!

I think I’ve become a pro at delayed posts lately. But it’s better late than never I suppose!

About six weeks back, I posted an image of my sister Jessica that read “HELP JESS MEET BIEBS”, -a campaign if you will, to help Jessica meet Justin Bieber at his concert in Minneapolis. The image went up on Facebook on October 16th. Between then, and early afternoon the next day, 80 people had shared the photo on their Facebook pages; many of whom, we didn’t even know. It was inspiring to say the least. But the true highlight came when we received an email from an old grade school friend letting us know that she had three meet and greet tickets for Jessica, my brother Justin, and myself. It turns out she’s one of the executive assistants to the President at Paramount Motion Picture Music (very cool!). We were thrilled, and a bit speechless! It was so exciting to know that we got this done for Jessica, but the love and support from others, Read more

Help Create Happiness. Help Jessica Meet Bieber!

My sister Jessica, who is 28 and has Down Syndrome was diagnosed with breast cancer almost three months ago. There have been many ups and downs along the way, but by far, she is inspirational in her spirits. She is amazing in so many ways. In everything she’s been forced to go through, her main complaint has never been cancer, but simply, missing work. She always repeats, “My associates need me. I have to work. I can’t go to the doctors”. She’s simply the sweetest. She deserves the world. Read more

[FEATURED POST] Vulnerability at the Core: When Your Sister is Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

with an open heart . Down Syndrome

Tuesday, July 31st began like any other day. I studied in the morning, went to work in the afternoon, and came home. When I arrived home, I talked to my mom about my day, said hello to my sister Jessica, who has Down syndrome and who was coloring at the kitchen table, and then I went up to my room to grab a couple things before heading back down to the kitchen to have a snack. As I made my way down to the kitchen, my mom softly called to me from the top of the stairs, “Nina, can you come here a second?” I continued on, and yelled up to her, “What is it?” Again, my mom says, “Nina, can you please just come here a second? I need to talk to you about something”. What? I thought. My stomach sank. That sick feeling that lingers in your gut when you’ve done something wrong and you’re about to get caught ran through me. I immediately felt like I did as a kid, -especially as a teenager, when I was about to face a major lecture and punishment for whatever terrible deed I had committed. My mind began to scramble: What did I do? Read more